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Dickson Upper Cervical

Your path to health starts at Dickson Upper Cervical You have only one spine. Keep it healthy and strong with chiropractic care. Our team is committed to providing the most effective health care solutions

About Dickson Upper Cervical

FREE Consultation

Dr. Hill is a Dickson Upper Cervical Chiropractor.

This means he has gone beyond the doctorate degree in chiropractic and taken hundreds of hours of post-graduate training studying the top two bones of the neck the atlas and the axis. This procedure has given us the opportunity to help patients from all over the world with a wide range of conditions.

Our Dickson office is dedicated to helping people. We gather each morning before our first appointment and go through the schedule of patients for the day. We talk about who’s coming in, how he or she is progressing, and how we can better serve each patient. We, at Dickson Upper Cervical, have one goal for each person that walks into our office: To make his or her life better.

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We offer way more...

What is UCC
What is UCC

The brain controls all messages to every cell in the body, including messages of health and healing.[...]

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The Misalignment
The Misalignment

The focus of Upper Cervical Care is the correct alignment of the two vertebrae in the spine: the atlas and the axis. [...]

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The Correction
The Correction

An adjustment is the physical correction of a misaligned joint. When a vertebra is misaligned, [...]

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Adjustment FAQ
Adjustment FAQ

That is ideally what we are trying to achieve. However, it is extremely rare that anyone needs just one [...]

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How Long
How Long

There is no simple answer to this question. However, there are three guidelines or Rules of Healing that [...]

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The Difference
The Difference

After graduating from general chiropractic college, Upper Cervical doctors continue post-graduate training in upper cervical care [...]

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Why Choose Us

Best possible results...

We know that
the body is a self
healing organism

Patients suffering from a variety of conditions—including migraine, headaches, low back pain, tingling in the hands, jaw problems and facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia), fibromyalgia, and other nerve disorders—have reported improvements with their health through Upper Cervical results.

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Common Conditions

Find common conditions...

Head Pain

For all the different types of headaches and migraines, it's the upper part of your neck that could be causing it [...]

Neck Pain

Neck pain and shoulder pain can be signs of a bigger health problem that affects the spinal cord in your neck [...]

Facial Pain

Disorders that affect the Trigeminal Nerve are some of the most horrific conditions known to human kind [...]

Balance Disorder

Vertigo and dizziness are often major indicators that something is truly wrong with your neck [...]

Nerve Disorder

Because your upper neck affects your brain, it can cause major problems anywhere in your body [...]

Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common conditions to affect people … but it doesn’t always come from the back [...]

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Understanding Cervicalgia: Causes, Symptoms, and Management
Cervicalgia, commonly known as neck pain, is a prevalent condition affecting millions of people worldwide. This article delves into the causes, symptoms, and management strategies for cervicalgia, providing a comprehensive ...
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Posted in Neck Disorder on 05/21/2024 10:54 AM
What Happens To The Neck During a Whiplash Injury?
Whiplash injuries are usually the outcome of a rear-end accident, as this causes sudden acceleration and then deceleration. As the head is jolted forward in an instant followed by being ...
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Posted in Neck Disorder on 02/24/2023 08:46 AM
What diseases and disorders affect your cervical spine?
Your cervical spine is a vital part of your overall health and well-being. It allows you to move your head and neck and provides support for your brain and spinal ...
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Posted in Neck Disorder on 02/11/2023 10:16 AM