How Soon Can I See a Chiropractor after Surgery?

Posted in Health Conditions on Apr 29, 2022

Many people rely on a chiropractor to manage pain and various chronic conditions. But what happens when you must undergo a surgery? Can you still see a chiropractor after surgery? With a few exceptions, which we will detail in this article, the answer is yes. However, even when you can no longer be adjusted, our chiropractors know various other techniques to help you feel good and live free of pain in a safe and non-invasive manner.

What You Need to Know about Chiropractic after Surgery

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A surgery is the most invasive type of intervention on the human body. The surgeon will open an area of your body and reach inside to solve a very serious health problem which cannot be healed in another manner. One of the most frequent side effects of any kind of surgery is pain.

In most of the cases, Western medicine would prescribe painkillers. However, for a chiropractor, this is not a safe and effective solution. Many people suffer dangerous side effects after taking prescription painkillers. Others develop an addiction that takes years to get rid of. Also, many people are allergic to painkillers and may develop serious symptoms, going as far as an anaphylactic attack.

For this reason, many people are looking forward to the moment when they are given the green light to see a chiropractor after surgery. They already know the benefits of this non-invasive therapy. Now they want the chiropractor to help them find relief from pain in a safe and natural way.

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How Soon Can You See a Chiropractor after Surgery? Here Is the Answer!

Let us look at the waiting period before you can see a chiropractor depending on the type of surgery you had to undergo:

1. Minor Surgery

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A minor surgery means a small incision in the skin, the removal of adenoids and other similar small interventions. They are usually performed under local anesthesia (the patient is awake).

This type of surgery does not require any kind of waiting period before you can go to a chiropractic appointment. In very rare cases, you may have to wait a few days before an adjustment, but no more than this.

2. Major Surgery

A major surgery is usually performed under full anesthesia. In most cases, you will be kept for observation in hospital for several days before being discharged at home. You may still have to wait one or two weeks before you can see a chiropractor after surgery.

When you do, our specialists will adjust their techniques and the therapy plan depending on the type of surgery you had. We will avoid forceful manipulations and replace them with equipment that perform gentle adjustments and with various soft tissue therapies, including massage.

3. Spinal Surgeries

Some types of spinal surgeries – for example, to resolve spinal fusions – are followed by a complete contraindication to get adjusted in that specific area. However, the chiropractors at our clinic can use electrical stimulation, various physical exercises and massages to help you experience pain relief and improve your quality of life.

Other types of interventions on the spine do not prevent you from seeing a chiropractor after surgery. However, you may have to wait between four and six weeks before you can book an appointment with our chiropractors for an adjustment.

4. Abdominal and Heart Surgeries

Any kind of heart surgery and abdominal surgery (including a C-section birth) requires a lot of time to recover before you can seek chiropractic care. Thus, you will have to wait between six weeks and three months before you can see a chiropractor after surgery.

However, even though adjustments are not allowed, it does not mean that you cannot reach out to us to help you manage pain. We can recommend a series of safe procedures, such as electrical muscle stimulation or acupuncture, as well as light stretching and other exercises that help your muscles regain their strength and flexibility.

You can see a chiropractor after surgery if you follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. At the same time, you should contact our clinic and explain to us the kind of surgery you had and we will advise you how soon you can get adjusted or benefit from other chiropractic procedures. Call us now to find out more!

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