Reasons to Seek a Chiropractic Assessment after a Car Accident

Posted in Health Conditions on Dec 17, 2021

Being involved in a car accident is a life changing experience for anyone. Apart from physical pain, the shock, fear and emotional trauma can last for a long time. However, the most immediate issue you must consider is your wellbeing. Many injuries caused by a traffic accident are not apparent on the spot. Yet, if they are left untreated, they can get worse and cause you a lot of pain, discomfort and even impairment. This is why you should consider a chiropractic assessment as soon as possible after a car crash.

Why Should You See a Chiropractor after an Auto Accident?

The initial medical evaluation you will get is from the ambulance crew that arrives at the crash scene. If you have very severe injuries, you will be definitely taken to hospital for emergency treatment.

However, if you have apparently suffered only minor injuries, the EMTs will tell you that you may go home. Our advice is to schedule a chiropractic assessment as soon as possible. An experienced chiropractor will discover all the invisible injuries you suffered and which may negatively impact your life if you do not resolve them.

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The Most Important Reasons to Choose Chiropractic Assessment

If you are still in doubt, here are some valid reasons why a chiropractic appointment is the best choice for you:

1. Chiropractors Know the Human Body Very Well

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Chiropractors spend a lot of time training on the functioning of the human body. They know how your spine, joint, muscles and ligaments should work. Thus, they can detect even the slightest trauma you may have suffered.

During the initial chiropractic assessment, you will undergo a thorough physical examination. The chiropractor may refer you for further tests, if necessary, including X-rays or CT scan. The reason for this is that no professional will prescribe a treatment plan without being absolutely sure on the nature and degree of your injuries.

2. Chiropractic Treatment Is Non-Invasive

After a car accident, you may be in a lot of pain. And the first thing you are tempted to do is start taking painkillers. Unfortunately, these pills only numb the pain, without resolving the underlying cause. Also, they may have unpleasant side effects (some people are even allergic to them).

After the chiropractic assessment, the practitioner will start applying various adjustments and massages, which have several purposes:

•    Restore subluxated joints to their natural position

•    Reduce inflammation and swelling

•    Manage pain.

In a short time, you will experience reduced pain levels and they will eventually disappear completely, without taking any medication.

3. A Chiropractic Medical Record Will Help You in Court

If you were the victim in the car accident, you may have to file a personal injury lawsuit, if the other driver’s insurance does not agree to pay your insurance claim. In this case, you will need solid evidence that you were injured in the respective accident and that these injuries caused you financial losses.

The chiropractic assessment and the practitioner’s notes after each treatment session represent medical evidence allowed in court. Not only will you be able to prove your case, but you may also include the expenses with chiropractic treatments in your claim amount.

4. Chiropractors Will Assist You during the Rehabilitation Phase

After physical trauma, you may find it hard to perform certain tasks. Pain and swelling limit your movement. Plus, you are left with the fear that overexertion may cause you new injuries.

A chiropractor will help you return to your usual life by putting you through a rehabilitation program. It includes:

•    Strengthening the muscles

•    Regaining flexibility and the full range of motions

•    Learning useful stretches and exercises you can do at home.

Chiropractic assessment is the best way of getting the treatment you need after a car accident. Also, you will be able to prove your case in a personal injury lawsuit using the chiropractor’s medical records. If you were injured in a car crash, call our clinic as soon as possible to schedule an initial evaluation!

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